

Group rates on request with minimum 20 people paying adult fare, available only at the Dolonne ticket office.
One free every 25 paying adults.

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Young <12 years old Senior
Dolonne cabinlift round trip€ 14,00€ 10,50
Dolonne cabinlift + Maison Vieille chairlift round trip€ 17,50€ 12,50
Dolonne cabinlift round trip + swimming pool€ 24,00€ 18,00
Afternoon Dolonne cabinlift round trip + swimming pool (starting 1h50 p.m.)€ 18,00€ 14,00
Dolonne cabinlift one way€ 9,00€ 6,50
Dolonne cabinlift + Maison Vieille chairlift one way€ 13,00€ 9,50
Maison Vieille chairlift one way€ 4,50€ 3,50
Val Veny cable car one way **€ 6,00€ 4,00
Val Veny cable car round trip **€ 10,00€ 6,00
Day pass (lifts)€ 22,00€ 15,00


FREE PASS: CHILD <4 years old, born after 28/06/2020.
Only if an adult purchases an equal ticket, otherwise the YOUNG <12 years old rate will be applied.
YOUNG <12 years, born after 28/06/2012.
SENIOR, born before 02/09/1959.
Valid only on presentation of identity card. Self-certification is not accepted.


Courmayeur + Skyway Monte Bianco ski area (reservation required on their website) or another area of the Aosta Valley for 1-2-3 days.

Groups minimum 20 adults paying full rate for skipass of the same type (excluding reduced by age). One free every 25 paying adults.
By filling in the form below you can request a quote that will be sent to the email address you indicated.

All tickets must be loaded on a keycard for sale at € 2.00

Valid in Courmayeur only.

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AdultChild <8 years old N.C. *Young <14 years old *Youth <18 years old/Senior *
Round trip€ 16,00€ 4,50€ 12,50€ 16,00
Full round trip€ 22,50€ 6,50€ 17,50€ 22,00
After 17.00Single rate € 11,50, children 0-3 years old free
AdultChild <8 years old N.C. *Young <14 years old *Youth <18 years old/Senior *
SeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh Season
3 hours€ 45,00€ 48,50€ 12,50€ 13,50€ 35,00€ 38,00€ 44,00€ 47,50
4 hours€ 49,50€ 53,00€ 14,00€ 15,00€ 38,50€ 41,50€ 48,50€ 52,00
1 day€ 53,00€ 58,50€ 15,00€ 16,50€ 41,50€ 45,50€ 52,00€ 57,00
2 days€ 103,50€ 114,50€ 29,00€ 32,00€ 80,50€ 89,00€ 101,00€ 112,00

Valid in Courmayeur + Skyway Monte Bianco.

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AdultChild <8 years old N.C. *Young <14 years old *Youth <18 years old/Senior *
SeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh Season
1 day€ 64,00€ 69,50€ 18,00€ 19,50€ 49,50€ 54,00€ 62,50€ 68,00
2 days€ 121,50€ 138,50€ 34,00€ 38,50€ 94,50€ 108,00€ 119,00€ 135,50

Valid in Courmayeur ( and 1 2 3 days in Skyway Mont Blanc or another Aosta Valley ski resorts).

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AdultChild <8 years old N.C. *Young <14 years old *Youth <18 years old/Senior *
SeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh Season
3 days€ 149,50€ 164,00€ 41,50€ 45,50€ 116,00€ 127,50€ 146,00€ 160,00
4 days€ 192,50€ 210,50€ 53,50€ 58,50€ 150,00€ 164,00€ 188,50€ 206,00
5 days€ 234,00€ 256,50€ 65,00€ 71,50€ 182,00€ 199,50€ 229,00€ 251,00
6 days€ 272,50€ 300,50€ 76,00€ 83,50€ 212,00€ 234,00€ 266,50€ 294,00
7 days€ 309,50€ 342,00€ 86,00€ 95,00€ 241,00€ 266,00€ 302,50€ 334,50
8 days€ 344,00€ 380,50€ 95,50€ 106,00€ 267,50€ 296,00€ 336,00€ 372,00
9 days€ 378,00€ 416,50€ 105,00€ 116,00€ 294,00€ 324,00€ 369,50€ 407,50
10 days€ 409,50€ 452,00€ 114,00€ 125,50€ 318,50€ 351,50€ 400,50€ 442,00
11 days€ 440,00€ 484,00€ 122,50€ 134,50€ 342,50€ 376,50€ 430,50€ 473,50
12 days€ 469,00€ 515,00€ 130,50€ 143,00€ 364,50€ 400,50€ 458,50€ 503,50
13 days€ 497,00€ 544,50€ 138,00€ 151,50€ 386,50€ 423,50€ 486,00€ 532,50
14 days€ 522,00€ 573,50€ 145,00€ 159,50€ 406,00€ 446,00€ 510,50€ 560,50
15 days€ 544,50€ 602,00€ 151,50€ 167,50€ 423,50€ 468,50€ 532,50€ 588,50

FREE PASS: CHILD <8 years old, born after 31st October 2015.

Only if an adult, youth or senior purchases an equal ticket, otherwise the * CHILD <8 years old N.C. rate will be applied.

* YOUNG <14 years old, born after 31st October 2009.

* YOUTH <18 years old, born after 31st October 2005.

* SENIOR, born before 31st May 1959.

Discounts available only on presentation of documents of identity. Self-certification is not accepted.

The purchase of the ticket implies the knowledge and full acceptance of the General Rules of Transport affixed to the ticket offices and is valid as express consent to the processing of common personal data. For the complete privacy policy (EU 679/2016), click here. This document is not a contract and the Management of the Courmayeur Mont Blanc Funivie reserves the right to make any change without notice.


Purchasable simultaneously with the ticket: adult rate € 3.00 – children <8 rate € 1.50.
Dedicated group rate € 2.00 if the insurance is purchased by the whole group (children € 1.50).

Aosta Valley

Valid on all lifts in the Aosta Valley including Skyway Mont Blanc (reservation required on their website), , La Rosière and Alagna.

Groups minimum 20 adults paying full rate for skipass of the same type (excluding reduced by age). One free every 25 paying adults.
By filling in the form below you can request a quote that will be sent to the email address you indicated.

All tickets must be loaded on a keycard for sale at € 2.00

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AdultChild <8 years old N.C. *Young <14 years old *Youth <18 years old/Senior *
SeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh SeasonSeasonHigh Season
3 days€ 163,00€ 176,00€ 45,00€ 49,00€ 127,00€ 137,00€ 159,00€ 172,00
4 days€ 212,00€ 232,00€ 59,00€ 65,00€ 165,00€ 181,00€ 208,00€ 227,00
5 days€ 258,00€ 281,00€ 72,00€ 78,00€ 201,00€ 218,00€ 252,00€ 275,00
6 days€ 300,00€ 326,00€ 83,00€ 91,00€ 232,00€ 253,00€ 292,00€ 319,00
7 days€ 337,00€ 370,00€ 94,00€ 103,00€ 262,00€ 288,00€ 329,00€ 362,00
8 days€ 373,00€ 412,00€ 104,00€ 115,00€ 290,00€ 321,00€ 365,00€ 403,00
9 days€ 409,00€ 451,00€ 114,00€ 125,00€ 318,00€ 351,00€ 400,00€ 441,00
10 days€ 445,00€ 488,00€ 123,00€ 136,00€ 346,00€ 379,00€ 435,00€ 477,00
11 days€ 477,00€ 522,00€ 132,00€ 145,00€ 371,00€ 406,00€ 466,00€ 510,00
12 days€ 508,00€ 555,00€ 141,00€ 154,00€ 395,00€ 432,00€ 496,00€ 543,00
13 days€ 535,00€ 589,00€ 149,00€ 164,00€ 416,00€ 458,00€ 524,00€ 575,00
14 days€ 561,00€ 616,00€ 156,00€ 171,00€ 436,00€ 479,00€ 548,00€ 602,00

FREE PASS: CHILD <8 years old, born after 31st October 2015.

Only if an adult, youth or senior purchases an equal ticket, otherwise the * CHILD <8 years old N.C. rate will be applied.

* YOUNG <14 years old, born after 31st October 2009.

* YOUTH <18 years old, born after 31st October 2005.

* SENIOR, born before 31st May 1959.

Discounts available only on presentation of documents of identity. Self-certification is not accepted.

The purchase of the ticket implies the knowledge and full acceptance of the General Rules of Transport affixed to the ticket offices and is valid as express consent to the processing of common personal data. For the complete privacy policy (D.Lgs. 196/03), click here. This document is not a contract and the Management of the Courmayeur Mont Blanc Funivie reserves the right to make any change without notice.


Purchasable simultaneously with the ticket: adult rate € 3.00 – children <8 rate € 1.50.
Dedicated group rate € 2.00 if the insurance is purchased by the whole group (children € 1.50).

Mont Blanc Unlimited

1 Ticket – 3 Countries: Italy, France, Switzerland

Courmayeur, Skyway Mont Blanc (reservation required on their website), Chamonix, Evasion Mont-Blanc, Verbier (from 6 days)

Groups minimum 20 adults paying full rate for skipass of the same type (excluded reduced by age).
By filling in the form below you can request a quote that will be sent to the email address you indicated.

All tickets must be loaded on a keycard for sale at € 2.00

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AdultYoung <15 years
Senior >65 years
2 days€ 154,10€ 130,90
3 days€ 228,20€ 193,90
4 days€ 301,30€ 256,10
5 days€ 364,70€ 310,00
6 days€ 388,10€ 329,80
7 days€ 441,70€ 375,50
8 days€ 495,30€ 421,00
9 days€ 548,90€ 466,60
10 days€ 602,60€ 512,20
11 days€ 656,20€ 557,80
12 days€ 709,80€ 603,30
13 days€ 763,40€ 649,00
14 days€ 817,10€ 694,50
15 days€ 870,70€ 740,10

Attention: Mont Blanc Tunnel closed from Monday 16th October at 8.00 a.m. Re-opening to traffic is planned by Monday 18 December 2023, 10 p.m.
For more information click here.

Ski Shuttles to Chamonix (reduced price) Information: +39 0165367039 (Arriva bus).
Reduced price for vehicles under 2 meters high for the Mont Blanc Tunnel on presentation of the ski pass.

The purchase of the ticket implies the knowledge and full acceptance of the General Rules of Transport affixed to the ticket offices and is valid as express consent to the processing of common personal data. For the complete privacy policy (EU 679/2016), click here. This document is not a contract and the Management of the Courmayeur Mont Blanc Funivie reserves the right to make any change without notice.


Purchasable simultaneously with the ticket: adult rate € 3.00 – children <8 rate € 1.50.
Dedicated group rate € 2.00 if the insurance is purchased by the whole group (children € 1.50).

Ask for your estimate

Confirmation at least 2 days before arrival with simultaneous payment by credit card or bank transfer 7 days before arrival.

Possibility to pick up ski passes directly at the hotel.

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